Nearest Showroom ProSource of Columbus, OH 614-300-5601 07.2 mi open until 5PM
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Homeowner Trade Pro

2 Tone Morel Brown and White

This 30 year old standard builder kitchen was due for an upgrade. The children had moved out, and the owners wanted a new kitchen with lots of details. This kitchen provides a lot of detailed work in a small space. The cherry wood lower cabinets provide a rich grain pattern in a warm medium brown. There are decorative doors, kitchen organizer pull-outs, roll-out trays, crown molding, a custom window and frame, and gorgeous marble tile on the walls. There is also plenty of storage with the coffee bar area sandwiched between two large pantries, and an appliance garage countertop hutch. The after kitchen definitely looks larger than the before kitchen.

Project Team

Rachel Lucero
Rachel Lucero


Ontario CA