Nearest Showroom ProSource of Dayton, OH 937-230-5346 03.6 mi open until 5PM
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Square Morel Medium Finish Square Cabinets Hover Over Image to Zoom

Schrock Brennan Square Morel Oak Cabinets

Brennan Quartersawn Oak - Square - 13 colors available
Is ADA Compliant No
Style Square
Wood Type Oak

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For finely crafted and beautifully personalized cabinets, count on Schrock.

They have proven to be a trusted name for time-honored craftsmanship in creating expressive, well-built cabinetry that adds warmth, style and superb functionality to any space. From simple style basics to the most on-trend palette of designer-inspired colors and intelligent storage options that take beauty to new level, find everything needed for bringing any design to life in impeccable fashion. Explore the impressive possibilities available with Schrock cabinets.

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